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Ingrown Toenails In Elders

Elderly people might develop an ingrown toenail if they have trouble maintaining their nails, or wear ill fitting shoes. If an elder has an ingrown, they might have trouble walking or putting on their shoes. They might also experience pain and risk contraction of an infection until they are treated. If you are an elder with an ingrown toenail or have a loved one with this nail condition, check for signs of infection, so you can see a podiatrist as soon as possible.

Some steps you make take to attend to your ingrown at home are:

  • A soak in warm water for ten minutes
  • Disinfecting the area as well as the entire foot with mild soap
  • Keeping the area dry with a clean towel
  • Using a nail file to pull the skin away
  • Using a cotton soaked in antiseptic cleanser
  • Stuffing the cotton under the nail to separate the nail from skin and alleviate the pressure
  • Avoid wearing tight shoes until ingrown is healed

If there are no signs of improvement then the next step would be to contact a podiatrist or doctor. This may lead to surgery if the case is severe enough in order to correct the nail. Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our licensed podiatrists at one of our over 80 locations.

