20 01, 2021

Why Your Nail is Growing Into Your Toe

By |2021-01-20T00:54:28+00:00January 20th, 2021|

When you notice your nail is growing into your toe, you may be wondering what has caused it to happen. Especially because this condition, which is called an ingrown toenail, is often very painful. Your nail might be growing into your toe for a variety of reasons, but this condition is usually pretty simple to [...]

5 10, 2020

Dealing with Infected Ingrown Toenails

By |2020-10-06T15:55:33+00:00October 5th, 2020|

An ingrown toenail infection can be easy to ignore in the beginning, but it can get worse and become unbearably painful. It can be caused by an ingrown toenail or an injury. What causes an infected toenail? Cutting your toenails too short Not cutting the toenails straight across Toenail injury Abnormal toenail shape (curved) Improper [...]

1 10, 2020

Treating Ingrown Toenails On Your Own

By |2020-10-02T15:45:31+00:00October 1st, 2020|

Ingrown toenails are when a toenail grows into the corner of the toe and into the flesh, thereby cutting and digging into the flesh. Since it is tearing into the toe, it is usually painful, and becomes infected due to bacteria invading the exposed wound. This can result in inflammation, pus, and even more pain.  [...]

30 09, 2020

Types of Ingrown Toenails

By |2020-10-02T15:46:27+00:00September 30th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails, also known as onychocryptosis or unguis incarnatus, occur when the toenail grows into the skin. It can cause discomfort or pain and swelling, depending on the severity. It is commonly seen in the big toe, but can also affect the other toes.  Ingrown toenails are categorized into the following types:  Distal nail embedding [...]

30 09, 2020

Treating and Preventing Ingrown Fingernails

By |2020-10-02T15:48:29+00:00September 30th, 2020|

An ingrown toenail is considered very common in the US with at least 3 million cases per year, however you can also develop an ingrown on your fingers as well, which might lead to Paronychia, which is an infection of the tissue around a fingernail. Your fingernails might develop an ingrown by Trauma  Fungus infection  [...]

29 09, 2020

What to Do After an Ingrown Toenail Removal

By |2020-10-02T15:49:15+00:00September 29th, 2020|

An ingrown toenail is when part of the toenail grows into the sides of the skin of the toe. This causes swelling, pain, and in some cases, infection on the toe. For a minor case of ingrown toenail, people usually go to salons to have it simply cut away. Some people cut and remove the [...]

29 09, 2020

Ingrown Nail Prevention

By |2020-10-02T15:49:25+00:00September 29th, 2020|

Ingrown nails can occur on the fingernails but are typically far more common on the toenails. With ingrown nails, they usually affect the sides of the big toe. The nail will begin to grow into the flesh of your skin along the side of the nail and can often lead to an infection. If you [...]

27 09, 2020

How to Soften Ingrown Toenails

By |2020-10-02T15:52:05+00:00September 27th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails develop when part of the nail grows into the surrounding skin. The nail tears the skin and causes it to swell. It can be painful and lead to infections. You are more likely to experience pain when pressure is applied to the toe. Other symptoms of an ingrown toenail are an overgrowth of [...]

16 09, 2020

Are Ingrown Toenails Dangerous?

By |2020-09-17T08:56:05+00:00September 16th, 2020|

Ingrown toenail are not deadly but can be very painful. If left untreated, it can cause serious complications. Ingrown toenails are of special concern for people with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or poor circulation. They have impaired blood flow to the extremities of the body: arms and feet. Ingrown toenails occur on the [...]

11 09, 2020

Removing A Dead Toenail

By |2020-09-15T15:09:45+00:00September 11th, 2020|

A dead toenail is a common problem. At some point in your life, you will lose a toenail or damage it. As common as it is, people do not know how to remove a dead nail in a safe and painless way. The first step in the process is identifying the cause. Once you know [...]