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How To Deal with Ingrown Toenails

When dealing with ingrown toenails, there are factors to consider. The first one to consider is pain. Ingrown toenails may cause different levels of pain depending on its severity. A simple ingrown may cause mild discomfort. A worse case may make it unbearable to take a step. Next, you should check for infection. Redness, swelling, and bus indicates infection. You will also have to consider any underlying issues. Lastly, if you have diabetes, neuropathy, or any condition that affects your nerves or circulation, you should seek medical attention.

Conservative treatment involves home remedies. This is an option for people who have mild ingrown toenails. Mild ingrown toenails are when it is not very painful nor infected. For at-at home treatments, you can soak your feet in warm water for about 15 minutes. Repeat this about 3 or 4 times a day. This helps to alleviate the pain and swelling and soften the skin around the nail. After soaking, you may try to lift the nail that is ingrown to prevent it growing further into the skin. Applying antibiotic cream also helps reduce the risk of developing an infection.

Home remedies may be easy and convenient, but if you have a severe case of ingrown toenail, it would be best to consult a foot doctor or podiatrist.They are professionals who specialize in treatments for any conditions of the feet. Ingrown toenail treatments by doctors reduce the risk of infection, and will provide you the proper care to prevent it from coming back.

The best way to deal with an ingrown toenail is by going to a podiatrist. When you come into the clinic, the doctor may inject a small amount of local anesthesia to make sure that you will not feel pain during the procedure. Then, the doctor will cut the part of the nail that is growing into the skin. Part of the nail bed will also be removed to prevent it from growing back.

If you have an ingrown toenail, contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our podiatrists. We have same day appointments available at over 75 clinics nationwide, including Santa Clarita, CA.
