1607, 2019

Are Ingrown Toenails Hereditary?

Though ingrown toenails are usually developed from wrong footwear or trauma, they can also be hereditary. This is called onychocryptosis which is a condition where the corner or side of your nail is growing into your skin. Since ingrown toenails may occur from the shape of the toe or nail, this trait can then be [...]

1507, 2019

Treating Ingrown Toenails at Home

So you see that you have an ingrown toenail and have searched Google to find out your options. The first step is to begin at home care to see if the problem can be alleviated, here are a few things you can try: Soaking the foot in epsom salt/ tea tree oil/disinfecting oil Washing the [...]

1207, 2019

How to Care for Your Feet

The best way to decrease your chances of developing an ingrown toenail are to maintain healthy feet by giving them proper care and keeping them clean. Here are some easy tips and habits that you should develop in order to keep your toes healthy and problem free! Constantly checking your toes for fungal infection or [...]

1107, 2019

How Do You Ease the Pain of an Ingrown Toenail?

An ingrown toenail can be a very painful condition that feels even worse when you put on shoes or have to walk around. Luckily, there are a few ways to ease the pain: Soaking your feet in warm water with one cup of Epsom Salt  Using cotton or floss to lift the nail after your [...]

407, 2019

Ingrown Toenail Pus?

An ingrown toenail can be a harmless injury from stubbing your toe,  but can easily turn into a medical problem if it begins to show symptoms of infection. An infection may develop from ignoring the ingrown until it gets worse, infections caused by fungi, and the conditions of your shoewear.  Infections are also more bound [...]

207, 2019

Pedicures and Ingrown Toenails

Pedicures are a place for relaxation and rejuvenation but may also put you at higher risk of getting ingrown toenails. When nails are not cut properly, they have a greater chance of becoming ingrown which can cause a lot of pain for the person receiving the pedicure. This may occur when the pedicurist files the [...]

2706, 2019

Sandals, Beach Pails, and… Ingrown Toenails?

Hot weather and closed-toe shoes can be an unpredictable duo recipe for disaster that can increase your chances of an ingrown toenail, a painful and troublesome condition. Ingrown toenails can be caused by a variety of factors, but summer is when ingrown toenails can occur more often.   Stimulated by the heat during the summer, the [...]

2506, 2019

Athletes and Ingrown Toenails

Athletes, especially those who play soccer or run track, are prone to ingrown toenails. Ingrown toenails develop when the nail grows to the side and burrows into the flesh of the toe. This can cause pain and swelling that can disturb the athlete’s performance. There are several factors that cause ingrown toenails, including wearing the [...]

1006, 2019

Easy Ways to Prevent Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail can be very inconvenient and painful. If not taken care of properly, it can get infected. The big toe is most often affected, but other toes can get ingrown nails too. It can be hereditary but is often caused by poor or improper foot care. When they become very painful, you’ll have [...]

606, 2019

This is Why You Have an Ingrown Toenail

Not everyone gets ingrown toenails, but why do you have one? Here are possible reasons why: cutting your toenails the wrong way - too short or not straight across wearing shoes or socks that are too tight that press the nail into your toe getting a toenail injury or causing trauma to the toenail, like [...]