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What to Do with your Ingrown Toenail Pain with No Infection

Ingrown toenails cause pain, redness, and eventually infection. If your ingrown toenail has not infected yet, there are some things you can try at home.

  1. Soak in salted water

    Soak the toenail in warm water with Epsom salts or a mild detergent. You can apply antibiotic cream afterward.

  2. Clip the nail

    After soaking your nail and surrounding tissue gets soften, you may try clipping the affected area with sterilized nail cutting tools. Apply antibiotic cream afterward

  3. When infected

    If the toenail is infected or if you are not sure about treating the ingrown nail at home, don’t hesitate to seek a doctor. An ingrown toenail is a very common condition, and a podiatrist can perform the procedure with a local anesthetic.

The early treatment is crucial – chronic infection can spread and may cause severe complication. Don’t hesitate to call (424)299-4627 to schedule a free consultation at our office!
