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What to do with an Ingrown Toenail

An ingrown toenail can cause you to miss out on your daily life activities. Although ingrown toenails are most common on the big toes, they do occur on the smaller toes occasionally.

Stages of Ingrown Toenails:

  1. Erythema. Trace edema. Pain

  2. Increase in pain. Discharge. Bacterial infection.

  3. A wound may form at the site of the ingrown toenail.

Many things can cause your nail(s) to become ingrown. Sometimes you are predisposed to getting ingrown toenails because it runs in your family, other times an injury to your nail can cause it grown into the skin. When you cut your nails incorrectly or wear tight shoes the nails may also become ingrown.

To treat your ingrown toenail at home, you may try numerous things.

-Soak your feet in lukewarm water

– See your doctor for an antibiotics prescription

– Trim the nails in a way that raises the edges of the nails

– See your doctor if the ingrown toenail worsens

A treatment performed by your doctor may result in you having to wear open-toed shoes for a few days thereafter. Oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pills may also be advised to use for about a week after an ingrown toenail treatment.
