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Toenail Pain: Differential Diagnosis and How to Manage

Nail pain can be caused by varieties of reasons, which leads to different diagnoses. Today we will compare 4 conditions that cause pain in your toenail.

  1. Paronychia

This is an infection of the skin next to a nail. This is a common cause of pain, and the common underlying cause of paronychia is Ingrown Toenails. Tight shoes or high heel may lead to this condition.


Soak your toe into a saline solution. Or treat your underlying cause. If the problem does not go away after a reasonable period, see your doctor or podiatrist. People with diabetes should talk to the doctor even if the condition is still mild.

  1. Pincer Nails

Pincer nails are also called Omega nails, and this is often recognized as the most painful type of ingrown nails. It is a relatively rare condition in which there is a transverse over-curvature of the nail plate usually from both sides of the nail.


If it is symptomatic, it is advised to seek for podiatry treatment.

  1. Subungual Hematoma

A subungual hematoma is a collection of blood underneath the nail. It usually happens when there is repeated trauma to your nails, such as athletic movement or tight shoes. This is different from Subungual Melanoma, which is a tumor of melanin-forming cells under the nail. It can be extremely painful, but otherwise, it is not a serious medical condition.


The affected nail can be trephined with a hot wire if the pressure under the nail is causing the pain.

  1. Subungual Wart

This is a rare condition that causes nail pain, in which viral warts develops underneath the nail.


Treatment can be challenging. Application of salicylic acid may be required for a long period of time. If all else did not work, you may have to remove the nail.

If you currently suffer from nail pain, don’t hesitate to see a podiatrist to get a correct diagnosis and early treatment.
