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This is Why You Have an Ingrown Toenail

Not everyone gets ingrown toenails, but why do you have one? Here are possible reasons why:

  • cutting your toenails the wrong way – too short or not straight across
  • wearing shoes or socks that are too tight that press the nail into your toe
  • getting a toenail injury or causing trauma to the toenail, like dropping something heavy on the toenail
  • using feet extensively during activities that put pressure on your feet for long periods of time, like soccer, ballet, running track, etc.
  • having a medical condition, such as poor circulation due to blocked blood vessels, that can cause nails to curve
  • getting overly aggressive pedicures
  • picking on your toenail
  • not keeping your feet clean or dry
  • having irregular toenails that are too curved
  • genetics or family history