29 09, 2020

Ingrown Nail Prevention

By |2020-10-02T15:49:25+00:00September 29th, 2020|

Ingrown nails can occur on the fingernails but are typically far more common on the toenails. With ingrown nails, they usually affect the sides of the big toe. The nail will begin to grow into the flesh of your skin along the side of the nail and can often lead to an infection. If you [...]

28 09, 2020

What Does An Ingrown Toenail Look Like?

By |2020-10-02T15:51:10+00:00September 28th, 2020|

If you are experiencing pain in your toes, it is possible that you are suffering from an ingrown toenail. In this blog, we will discuss how ingrown toenails present so you can easily identify and anticipate if you have an ingrown toenail and get treatment as soon as possible.  Ingrown toenails can be painful and [...]

27 09, 2020

How to Soften Ingrown Toenails

By |2020-10-02T15:52:05+00:00September 27th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails develop when part of the nail grows into the surrounding skin. The nail tears the skin and causes it to swell. It can be painful and lead to infections. You are more likely to experience pain when pressure is applied to the toe. Other symptoms of an ingrown toenail are an overgrowth of [...]

16 09, 2020

Are Ingrown Toenails Dangerous?

By |2020-09-17T08:56:05+00:00September 16th, 2020|

Ingrown toenail are not deadly but can be very painful. If left untreated, it can cause serious complications. Ingrown toenails are of special concern for people with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or poor circulation. They have impaired blood flow to the extremities of the body: arms and feet. Ingrown toenails occur on the [...]

11 09, 2020

Stages of an Ingrown Toenail

By |2020-09-15T15:08:48+00:00September 11th, 2020|

An ingrown toenail is a condition that can cause painful complications that may affect your daily life such as an infection. In the long run, ingrown toenails are caused by poor monitoring of the feet such as ill-fitting shoes. The condition can be divided into three different stages that can convey what type of treatment [...]

10 09, 2020

Taking Care of Ingrown Toenails at Home

By |2020-09-15T15:08:05+00:00September 10th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails develop when part of the nail grows into the surrounding skin. The nail tears the skin and causes it to swell. It can be painful and lead to infections. You are more likely to experience pain when pressure is applied to the toe. Other symptoms of an ingrown toenail are overgrowth of the [...]

9 09, 2020

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

By |2020-09-10T03:03:16+00:00September 9th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails are a common yet painful condition where the corner or side of the nail is growing into the flesh surrounding the toe. Since the condition is very common, causes for the condition will be common practices that can also be prevented.  Here are the most common causes of ingrown toenails: Wearing ill-fitting shoes [...]

9 09, 2020

What To Do If I Keep Getting Ingrown Toenails

By |2020-09-10T03:02:41+00:00September 9th, 2020|

There are several ways that an ingrown nail can develop. In many cases it is hereditary, meaning that it runs in your family, so if you know family members with this problem then you have a chance of gaining the same issue. Trimming the nail incorrectly can also result in an ingrown nail. This will [...]

4 09, 2020

Ingrown Toenails In Elders

By |2020-09-04T23:38:50+00:00September 4th, 2020|

Elderly people might develop an ingrown toenail if they have trouble maintaining their nails, or wear ill fitting shoes. If an elder has an ingrown, they might have trouble walking or putting on their shoes. They might also experience pain and risk contraction of an infection until they are treated. If you are an elder [...]

27 08, 2020

The Best Way to Treat an Ingrown Toenail

By |2020-08-27T22:32:39+00:00August 27th, 2020|

When choosing the type of treatment, there are factors to consider. The first one to consider is pain. Ingrown toenails may cause different levels of pain depending on its severity. A simple ingrown may cause mild discomfort. A worse case may make it unbearable to take a step. Next, you should check for infection. Redness, [...]