10 09, 2020

Taking Care of Ingrown Toenails at Home

By |2020-09-15T15:08:05+00:00September 10th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails develop when part of the nail grows into the surrounding skin. The nail tears the skin and causes it to swell. It can be painful and lead to infections. You are more likely to experience pain when pressure is applied to the toe. Other symptoms of an ingrown toenail are overgrowth of the [...]

9 09, 2020

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

By |2020-09-10T03:03:16+00:00September 9th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails are a common yet painful condition where the corner or side of the nail is growing into the flesh surrounding the toe. Since the condition is very common, causes for the condition will be common practices that can also be prevented.  Here are the most common causes of ingrown toenails: Wearing ill-fitting shoes [...]

4 09, 2020

Ingrown Toenails In Elders

By |2020-09-04T23:38:50+00:00September 4th, 2020|

Elderly people might develop an ingrown toenail if they have trouble maintaining their nails, or wear ill fitting shoes. If an elder has an ingrown, they might have trouble walking or putting on their shoes. They might also experience pain and risk contraction of an infection until they are treated. If you are an elder [...]

27 08, 2020

The Best Way to Treat an Ingrown Toenail

By |2020-08-27T22:32:39+00:00August 27th, 2020|

When choosing the type of treatment, there are factors to consider. The first one to consider is pain. Ingrown toenails may cause different levels of pain depending on its severity. A simple ingrown may cause mild discomfort. A worse case may make it unbearable to take a step. Next, you should check for infection. Redness, [...]

25 08, 2020

Seeing A Podiatrist for an Ingrown Toenail

By |2020-08-25T20:55:07+00:00August 25th, 2020|

For minor cases of ingrown toenail, you can treat them at home with topical antibiotic creams and over the counter pain medicine. Soaking the infected toe also helps to soften the area and get that nail to grow properly above the skin. A nail that is growing into the skin causes a great deal of [...]

25 08, 2020

How are Ingrown Toenails Removed?

By |2020-08-25T22:44:13+00:00August 25th, 2020|

An ingrown toenail is when part of the toenail grows into the sides of the skin of the toe. This causes swelling, pain, and in some cases, infection on the toe. For a minor case of ingrown toenail, people usually go to salons to have it simply cut away. Some people cut and remove the [...]

10 07, 2020

Preventing Ingrown Toenails in Children

By |2020-07-10T20:21:06+00:00July 10th, 2020|

If your child is experiencing pain when they are walking, or directly on their toes or by their toenails, inspect for an ingrown toenail, which is a condition that can cause pain in those who have it. To decrease your child’s chances of getting an ingrown toenail, you can follow the steps below to save [...]

30 04, 2020

Are you at risk of ingrown toenails?

By |2020-04-30T22:05:10+00:00April 30th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails can be painful and can get worse overtime. Ingrown toenails are when a sharp corner or edge of the toenail digs into the skin at the end of or side of the toe. Anyone can get ingrown toenails but the first question is what are the symptoms of getting an ingrown. The early [...]

14 04, 2020

How To Deal with Ingrown Toenails

By |2020-04-14T22:26:53+00:00April 14th, 2020|

When dealing with ingrown toenails, there are factors to consider. The first one to consider is pain. Ingrown toenails may cause different levels of pain depending on its severity. A simple ingrown may cause mild discomfort. A worse case may make it unbearable to take a step. Next, you should check for infection. Redness, swelling, [...]

13 11, 2019

Recovery from Different Types of Ingrown Toenail Procedures

By |2019-11-13T01:02:17+00:00November 13th, 2019|

Complete Nail Removal Antibiotics are generally not needed after this type of surgery. After the removal of the nail plate, a non-adhesive sterile gauze will be used as dressing for the toe. A compression bandage will also be used to reduce bleeding. After the surgery, it is important to reduce movement in the first 24 [...]