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Protect Yourself from Ingrown Nails

How do ingrown nails happen?

  • The nail is likely to grow into the skin when the corners of the nail are pressed against the surrounding skin and cut through it.

  • The nail on big toe is more likely to get affected by this condition than any of the other nails.



  • Trimming the nails shorter than the tip of the nail or cutting them to match the shape of the toe can encourage the growth of the nail into the surrounding skin.

  • Any trauma to the nail or the toe can increase the risk of developing an ingrown toenail.

  • Wearing socks or shoes that are tight would lead to the nails being pressed against the skin, and eventually growing into the nail.

  • Genetic reasons: some families are at higher risks of developing this condition than others.


How do you know that you have an ingrown nail?

  • This condition is painful in most cases

  • The nail would be swollen, red

  • If left untreated, the nail might get infected and the condition would worsen.


Home treatment:

  • Keep feet in warm water for a couple of hours.

  • Refrain from cutting the nail multiple times, as this might lead to worse infection.

  • Wear flip-flops or sandals to prevent pressing against the nail.

  • Seek medical consultation if the condition is not improved, or is getting worse.
