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Keep Getting Ingrown Toenails?

If you suffer from chronic ingrown toenails then it might be time to start considering nail removal surgery. Ingrown toenails form when the edge of the nail curves into the skin of the toe. This can be brought on by many different reasons. Ingrown toenails can be hereditary, attributed to improper cutting of the nails and even by wearing too tight of shoes.

Ingrown toenails typically affect the big toe but can happen to any of your toenails. People with curved or thick nails tend to be the most susceptible to ingrown toenails although anyone who doesn’t follow proper foot care can all be subject to ingrown nails. If left untreated for too long they can become severely infected which can cause loss of limb!

Ingrown toenails are known to be extremely painful and a burden to those afflicted with them, especially if the victim suffers from chronic ingrown toenails. Which is why nail removal surgery may be your best option if you fall into the above category.

Any of your local podiatrists can help you with this if you choose to seek this treatment. Virtually painless, your doctor will start by injecting you with local anesthetic so you feel nothing during the procedure. Then, when the affected area is completely numb the doctor will surgically remove the nail and apply a chemical to the root of the nail to prevent it from growing back. Your toe is then wrapped and bandaged and you may be given something to prevent infection and for minor pain. This is a minor surgery and has helped thousands people all of the world who suffer from severe ingrown toenails.
If you are constantly suffering from ingrown toenails, try asking your local podiatrist today if this surgery is right for you.
