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Ingrown Toenails, Fight The Infection!

So what’s the difference between a regular ingrown toenail and an infected ingrown toenail? Unlike regular ingrown toenails, infected ingrown nails, if left untreated for too long, could result in serious risks including death or toe amputation! It’s not the toenail itself that is infected, it’s really more the toe as a whole and the surrounding skin that is suffering from the infection. The ingrown nail digs into the skin of the toe creating a wound that can become severely infected.

First things first, you need to know that ingrown toenails have three stages. The first stage of an ingrown toenail is just a regular ingrown nail, but the next two stages are when the nail becomes infected. The first stage is redness of the skin and in a lot of cases the redness is also paired with swelling. The swelling can occur when fluids get trapped under the folds of skin. Response to pressure and touch is painful. Stage two will cause more severe pain and discomfort. There will be discharge and puss from the infected area and the surrounding skin can appear red and hot. Stage three, if left untreated, the body will respond to the infection by growing in the lateral nail wall.

If you have an infected ingrown toenail seek medical attention immediately. Any local podiatrist can do the job. Don’t let the infection get worse! Be proactive today!

For free consultation and evaluation of toenail fungus by doctor please contact our Bronx office
