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Ingrown Toenail Symptoms and At-home Treatment

Many factors may increase your chances of having an ingrown toenail. Sometimes cutting your nails in a specific way can encourage the development of ingrown nails.

  • Cutting your nails and curving the corners to match the shape of the nail would cause a pressure to build on the nails when wearing the shoes that are tight on the foot. This pressure would curl the nail into the skin, which can worsen with time.


How do you know if you have an ingrown?

  • Skin around the nail would be red and bloated.

  • A common symptom is pain when the toe is touched or when wearing shoes.

  • If left untreated, the ingrown nail case might worsen, and the nail would become infected


How does it develop?

  • One cause is genetics. Some families might be more susceptible to developing this condition.

  • If the toe gets injured someway, the nail might start growing inward.

  • One of the most common causes is wearing shoes that might squeeze the nails for long hours.

  • Cutting the nails too short might also cause them to grow inward instead of out.

At home treatment steps:

  • At home treatment can include having your feet bathed in warm water

  • Dry the feet and keep them away from water for the whole day

  • Avoid wearing closed-toed shoes

  • If the condition does not get better or gets worse, contact the doctor.

How to protect yourself from getting this problem?

  • Protect your feet from trauma

  • Wear comfortable shoes

  • Do not curve the nails when you trim them

  • Do not trim the nails too short

