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How to Care For an Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails usually require delicate, intentional care to see improvement. When you have an ingrown, the best thing to do is see a licensed podiatrist to have it removed. Although this is the best option, there are multiple ways to care for an ingrown toenail that start with things as simple as rest.

Ingrown toenails are caused by the nail growing sideways into the toe. This usually happens when intense or continuous pressure is applied to the toe, pushing the skin onto the nail. Because of this, one of the best ways to care for an ingrown toenail is to avoid the skin being pushed onto the nail further! To do this, first make sure you are prioritizing rest. Physical activity and being on your feet will only worsen the ingrown, so avoid these if possible. Also, avoid wearing tight shoes that are constricting on the toes. Warm water and Epsom salt soaks can also be used to care for ingrown toenails. These work to soften the skin on the toe surrounding the nail, allowing the nail to more easily slide around the skin.

If your ingrown toenail gets to the point where it is causing you continuous pain or looks infected, seek medical treatment immediately. A licensed podiatrist will likely suggest you care for your ingrown in a few ways. The first is to have it removed by the doctor; after this surgery the doctor will give you post-op care instructions to ensure you heal properly. If your ingrown has become infected, the podiatrist will also likely prescribe antibiotic medications for you to take to treat the infection. Seeing a podiatrist is the best way to take care of your ingrown toenails, as they can provide you with the most effective solutions. To schedule a consultation with a podiatrist, give us a call at (424)-299-4627 or visit our website for more information.
