The Wrong Way to Treat an Ingrown Toenail
Ingrown toenail treatment can be urgent when pain is bad or infection is starting. Because of this, you may rush into certain home remedies or attempt certain treatments you’ve found online or through a friend. You must do your research before doing anything to your toe; most of these home remedies can be dangerous and [...]
Healing After Ingrown Toenail Surgery
If you are considering ingrown toenail surgery, you likely have been impacted by the stress an ingrown toenail surgery can bring. The good news is that after your surgery, you can look forward to living free of the ingrown that has been bothering you. However, after the surgery, you do need to take some steps [...]
Conditions That Can Cause Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails are a result of the nail growing into the side of the skin and into the toe. This can cause extreme pain and loss of full range of movement. Usually, this happens when the nail starts to grow a little off to the side because of pressure on the foot from physical activity [...]
Why An Ingrown Can Get Worse
Ingrown toenails are painful and can be hard to get rid of. If your ingrown is getting worse, this can be cause for a lot of frustration and pain. There are a few reasons why this may be happening, and a few things you can do to prevent it from getting even worse. If you [...]
Is Dental Floss Safe to Use for Ingrowns?
Home remedies for ingrown toenails can be appealing for many reasons. Ingrown nails are often very painful and can place limits on your daily life. Home remedies claim to be able to treat ingrowns without the need for an appointment with a doctor. This can seem appealing when you want to get rid of your [...]
Infected Ingrown Toenail Care
Ingrown toenails are usually painful, and a pain to both get rid of or leave untreated. When these already pesky ingrowns become infected, treatment becomes even more complicated. When an ingrown becomes infected, the skin around it becomes red and inflamed. Often, the sign that an ingrown has become infected comes in the form of [...]
Are Home Remedies for Ingrowns Effective?
Home remedies are often appealing for a multitude of conditions. These remedies are supposed to treat your issue without requiring medical attention. Sometimes, these remedies can be useful and may even remove the majority of your symptoms. Some remedies may do nothing for your condition at all, and others may in fact be harmful to [...]
Trimming Your Toenails to Avoid an Ingrown
While ingrown toenails can arise for a variety of reasons, there are measures you can take to prevent them from appearing. One of the simplest is to be careful and intentional when cutting your toenails. Simply using the right tools and trimming with the right technique can save you from a lot of pain and [...]
Ingrown Toenail Pain
Ingrown toenails are a common condition, and a painful one at that. Ingrown toenails are usually obvious, with one of the main symptoms being throbbing and intense pain. The most important thing to do once you develop ingrown toenail pain is to go to a licensed podiatrist for treatment. However, this isn’t always possible to [...]
Types of Ingrown Toenail Surgery
It is a high priority for patients with ingrown toenails to get treatment as soon as possible. This condition can be painful, and worsens with time. When left untreated, ingrown toenails can become more severe and infected. If you have an ingrown toenail, you may be wondering what the best treatment option for you is. [...]