Home remedies are often appealing for a multitude of conditions. These remedies are supposed to treat your issue without requiring medical attention. Sometimes, these remedies can be useful and may even remove the majority of your symptoms. Some remedies may do nothing for your condition at all, and others may in fact be harmful to you or make your condition worse. Depending on the severity, ingrown toenails may be managed with home remedies.

Before discussing possible home remedies for ingrown toenails, it is important to mention that these should only be attempted if your ingrown toenail is not severe. If your ingrown is causing you pain, bleeding, or showing signs of infection, seek medical attention immediately. Home remedies will not be able to help an ingrown at this level; you must seek out the attention of a licensed podiatrist. 

If your ingrown is very minor, you can try to use epsom salts to soften the skin on your toe. Simply soak your ingrown in warm water with epsom salts dissolved in it. This softens the skin in the area that the nail is growing incorrectly, and reduces discomfort from the condition. 

Another home remedy for ingrown toenails involves the application of antibiotic ointment around the ingrown. This prevents (but won’t treat) infection, and can moisturize the skin to decrease discomfort.

Wearing shoes with wide toes is another of the home remedies to decrease discomfort from an ingrown. These will prevent the front of your feet from pressuring against the ingrown and making it worse.

While there are a few home remedies for ingrown toenails, these are all only useful if your ingrown toenail is very minor. Additionally, none of these will actually cure an ingrown toenail. At best, they will manage pain and discomfort to allow you to go about life normally. If you have an ingrown that needs medical attention, make sure to be seen by a licensed podiatrist for a consultation. For more information, visit our website or give us a call at (424)-299-4627.