1. Warm Salt Bath – It is recommended to soak sore toe for 15 minutes, a couple times a day. This will help relieve some swelling.
2. Use an Antibiotic Ointment – According to physicians, this will help lower your chances of developing a serious infection.
3. Use Anti-Inflammatory Medications – Using over the counter medications such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen may help with pain relief.
4. Stuff Nail with Damp Cotton – This will provide a barrier between the nail and skin, allowing the nail edge to grow away from the skin and not into it. (Best done after skin and nail has been soften from a warm salt bath)
5. Gently Pull the Skin Away – Try using a small nail file or any tool that is thin and blunt to lift your nail away from the skin.
6. Wear Properly Fitting Shoes – Your shoes should fit comfortably without pinching your toes, preferably made of soft materials and have a wide toe box.
7. Trim Toenails Straight Across – Do not cut your toenails with a curve. When your nails grow back, this may cause your nails to grow downwards and into your skin.
8. Do Not Cut Nails Too Short – Try to trim your nails slightly longer or level them with the tips of your toes, this will prevent nail digging into your skin when they grown back.
9. Practice Good Foot Hygiene – Soak you feet with a warm salt bath regularly, followed by removing calluses with an emery board or a pumice stone. Also, moisturize the skin around the nails with creams.
10. Inspect Your Feet for Warning Signs – Regularly check your feet for other possible infections and foot related issues. Spotting the problem early is a great way to prevent severe cases.
For more information, please contact our office at
2005 Ocean Ave.,
Brooklyn, NY 11230
(424) 299-4627
, for free consultation.