1. Soak your feet in warm salt water for 15 minutes at a time, several times a day.
2. Try keeping your feet as dry as possible. (Except when soaking)
3. If your feet are causing you pain, take ibuprofen to minimize the swelling.
4. Try to separate the skin form the nail as best you can. (You can use an instrument such as a nail file)
5. Use small amounts of cotton as a separating tool. (You can soak the cotton in antiseptic or water as well)
6. Antibiotic ointment can help to prevent infection.
7. If more comfort os wanted, padding can be made with bandages.
8. Wear shoes that provide comfort, and aren’t tight.
9. Check the nails periodically, to make sure an infection hasn’t developed.
10. Contact your podiatrist if your nails do not get better.
For more information, please contact our office at
150 Almaden Expressway Suite 205
San Jose, CA 95118
(424) 299-4627
, for free consultation.