10 02, 2021

Grooming to Avoid Ingrown Toenails

By |2021-02-10T04:48:15+00:00February 10th, 2021|

Ingrown toenails develop when the corner of the toenail starts to grow into the side of the toe, where the skin meets the nail itself. These occur when the skin is pressured onto the nail with some sort of force, usually because of the shoe itself pressing against the nail. The dangers of ingrown toenails [...]

6 01, 2021

Cutting Your Nails

By |2021-01-06T03:59:35+00:00January 6th, 2021|

Cutting your fingernails and toenails is a self-care practice usually taught in your childhood. While this task may seem hard to mess up, there is definitely a right and wrong way to do it. Cutting your nails in the correct way can be beneficial in multiple ways. For one, the practices you follow while cutting [...]