19 10, 2020

Is it safe to treat ingrown toenails at home?

By |2020-10-19T21:35:26+00:00October 19th, 2020|

Many people suffer from ingrown toenails which is where the toenail grows into the side of the toe protruding the skin and puncturing the tissue. Ingrown toenails can become very painful and severely infected due to poor hygiene and insufficient cleaning. As the infection grows the ingrown toenail can become inflamed, swollen, filled with pus, [...]

4 07, 2019

Ingrown Toenail Pus?

By |2019-10-24T05:43:34+00:00July 4th, 2019|

An ingrown toenail can be a harmless injury from stubbing your toe,  but can easily turn into a medical problem if it begins to show symptoms of infection. An infection may develop from ignoring the ingrown until it gets worse, infections caused by fungi, and the conditions of your shoewear.  Infections are also more bound [...]