6 02, 2021

Home Treatments for Infected Ingrowns

By |2021-02-06T00:14:44+00:00February 6th, 2021|

Ingrown toenails are conditions that can cause serious discomfort and pain. When the nail grows into the skin of the toe, this causes a wound that deepens with daily activity and as the nail grows. It is common to try to treat ingrown toenails at home, as evidenced by the large number of instructional articles [...]

17 11, 2020

Why An Ingrown Can Get Worse

By |2020-11-17T03:05:55+00:00November 17th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails are painful and can be hard to get rid of. If your ingrown is getting worse, this can be cause for a lot of frustration and pain. There are a few reasons why this may be happening, and a few things you can do to prevent it from getting even worse. If you [...]

11 11, 2020

Infected Ingrown Toenail Care

By |2020-11-11T01:59:47+00:00November 11th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails are usually painful, and a pain to both get rid of or leave untreated. When these already pesky ingrowns become infected, treatment becomes even more complicated. When an ingrown becomes infected, the skin around it becomes red and inflamed. Often, the sign that an ingrown has become infected comes in the form of [...]

20 08, 2020

Ingrown Toenails with Diabetes

By |2020-08-20T21:34:05+00:00August 20th, 2020|

Ingrown toenails are common in people with diabetes. This is because Diabetes can damage the nerves and decrease blood flow to the feet. Improper foot care may result in amputation. Ingrown toenails should be taken care of immediately because it can cause an infection. If you have Diabetes, nerve damage, or poor circulation, you are [...]