21 10, 2019

Diabetes and Ingrown Toenails

By |2019-10-26T04:23:41+00:00October 21st, 2019|

Foot complications such as ingrown toenails are common in people with diabetes. This is because Diabetes can damage the nerves and decrease blood flow to the feet. Improper foot care may result in amputation. Ingrown toenails should be taken care of immediately because it can cause an infection. If you have Diabetes, nerve damage, or poor [...]

15 11, 2018

Can Diabetes Cause an Ingrown Toenail?

By |2019-10-24T05:43:38+00:00November 15th, 2018|

Ingrown toenails can occur in anyone, however, some people are more susceptible to developing one over others. As with nail fungus, ingrown toenails are likely to develop on individuals that have a weaker immune system. Diabetics have a weak immune system, therefore, they are typically the ones to develop nail infections and ingrown nails.   [...]