Men and women equally suffer from foot and nail infections for different reasons. For men, it is usually caused by sweat, athletics, and certain jobs, while with women it is typically due to tight or improper footwear, high heels, spending hours on their feet, and nail salons, just to name a few.
High heels are the cause of many foot, nail, and ankle problems among women, yet we still manage to squeeze our feet and suffer for the sole purpose of looking and feeling appealing. Surprisingly enough, high heels and pointy-toed shoes are the leading cause of ingrown toenails for women. Since the weight of the whole body rests on the feet, when the feet are only resting on a small angle of the foot (being the front) it is putting all the weight on this small part known as the toes and balls of your feet. Doing this multiple times a week and for several hours a day causes the effects to worsen and infection to come about. this pressure can cause the nail to puncture the skin and cause an ingrown nail and even a fungal infection.
Although many women are willing to deal with the pain of heels and ingrown nails, serious and permanent complications can arise when left untreated. To avoid such problems, doing a foot soak a few times a week can help. Also limiting heel-wear to only the days that you see absolutely necessary will significantly help. Trimming the nails is important as well, in addition to proper trimming – this means you should be weary of trimming too close to the skin and also not allowing your nails to be too long. Lastly, keeping the fight clean and dry is very important in avoiding ingrown nails.
For more information, please contact our office at
2005 Ocean Ave.,
Brooklyn, NY 11230
(424) 299-4627
, for free consultation.