Ingrown nails are something that many people suffer with and most people have experienced them at least once in their lifetime. They can be a pest, hard to cope with, and painful but if taken care of immediately, you can avoid an infection and further suffering.
There are many ways to treat an ingrown nail both in home and professionally through a physician’s care. If you decide to take care of the problem at home you need to first make sure you do not have a nail infection or medical condition going on with the toes or nails. If your infection free you can begin by soaking your feet in a combination of warm water and Epsom salt. A few minutes into the soak you should begin to rub/massage the side of the nail where the cuticles and fold are, this will help to reduce the inflammation. You also want to make sure to avoid cutting the nails too often or too close to the skin. If this fails, you can then begin to seek medical attention.
If you opt for the doctors visit the doctor will typically begin by of course examining your condition and if an infection is present, they will provide you with an antibiotic prescription. If they do not provide this option, a minor in-office procedure will need to be done to remove the ingrown nail. Usually you will be given a local anesthetic to help with feeling or any pain during the procedure. The doctor may then apply a bandage to help protect that nail, however you can typically proceed with regular activity after the procedure.
A reinfection may occur in some cases which is why after care is important to follow. If your doctor does provide you with post care, make sure to follow it to avoid such an issue.
For more information, please contact our office at
10921 Wilshire Boulevard, Unit 1011
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(424) 299-4627
, for free consultation.