The Nail Salon and Ingrown Toenails
If you frequently visit nail salons and have developed an ingrown toenail, you may be wondering if your nail technician is at fault. It is unlikely that visiting a nail salon alone will cause an ingrown toenail. However, if you are concerned about ingrowns for any reason there are some things to know about your [...]
Can Ingrown Toenails Be Hereditary
If you are prone to ingrown toenails, you may be worried about passing on the painful and disruptive condition to your children. While there is no direct hereditary cause of ingrown toenails and they aren’t a hereditary condition you can pass on to your child, if you are prone to them there may be some [...]
What Podiatrists Want You to Know About Ingrowns
Ingrown toenails should be seen immediately by a licensed podiatrist so they don’t become worse or infected. While this is always the best way to go, some patients may wait to seek medical advice for a few reasons. To those patients with ingrowns who are still considering whether to go to a podiatrist, here is [...]
Why Your Ingrown Keeps Coming Back
One of the only things worse than an ingrown toenail is an ingrown toenail that keeps coming back after treatment. When an ingrown toenail keeps recurring, there are a variety of reasons why it won’t go away for good. The best thing to do is discuss your issue with a licensed, experienced podiatrist about your [...]
Children with Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails can feel scary and painful when you have them. When your child has them, they can be even more worrisome. While ingrown toenails are no joke, they are a common condition that can be treated. It is important for parents to understand that children are often at increased risk of developing ingrown toenails [...]
Will an Ingrown Toenail Cure Itself?
Ingrown toenails develop because the toenail starts to grow into the side of the toe, usually because of activity like sports causing pressure on the toe. They are painful and often limiting. With any condition, some people will try to let it “run its course” and cure itself. However, this can be dangerous with ingrown [...]
Fatal Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails are painful, annoying, and often hard to get rid of; they are very rarely fatal. They arise from too much pressure on the toe causing the nail to grow into the side of the nail bed. The nail growth into the side of the skin can cause very intense pain that gets worse [...]
Will Hydrogen Peroxide Cure Ingrown Toenails?
Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used to disinfect wounds, and for this reason, many people with ingrown toenails try to use it to prevent infection or help the ingrown heal. The tendency with any injury is to try to treat it at home if possible, but in certain cases, this can lead to more harm than [...]
Assess Risk of Ingrown Toenails
Even the thought of ingrown toenails can be very scary. These nails are painful, hard to remove, and can easily become infected. If you’re at a high risk of ingrown toenails, you should be sure to take necessary precautions to avoid them. While anybody can develop an ingrown toenail, it is helpful to personally assess [...]
Safe Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenails
Home remedies for ingrown toenails can be appealing for a few different reasons. These treatments don’t require appointments, or any medical attention whatsoever. Many patients are concerned about COVID-19 spread and would rather avoid unnecessary travel and contact with other people. Additionally, these treatments are usually less expensive than being seen by a doctor. There [...]