The Need to Know
Ingrown nails are a common problem among many individuals. There are a number of ways you can obtain an ingrown nail so knowing the risk factors and prevention is critical. There are several ways to treat an ingrown nail both in home and professionally through a physician’s care. If you decide to take care [...]
Epsom Salt Bath for Your Ingrown Toenail
When you search for home remedy of ingrown toenails, you may often see people suggesting to soak your foot into warm water with “Epsom Salt.” But what exactly is Epsom salt, and how does it work? What is Epsom salt Epsom salt is named by its chemical structure, and it is formally called magnesium sulfate. [...]
Surgery is Often Your Best Choice
Ingrown toenail (medically called onychocryptosis) is a condition in which the side of a toenail digs into the soft tissue and cause pain, redness, and swelling. Infection may soon follow after getting an ingrown toenail, resulting in excessive inflammation, swelling, pain, and discharge. In the early stages (BEFORE infection sets in), appropriate home care may [...]
Three Stages of Ingrown Toenail
Ingrown toenails are a very common problem among adolescents and young adults, but it can happen to people of all ages. It causes pain on the affected toes and could limit your daily activity. When ingrown toenails are left untreated, it can cause infection on the surrounding skin. The infected Ingrown toenail can essentially have [...]
Ingrown Toenail and Genetics
Ingrown Toenail is the most common reason for toenail pain, and most commonly affect the great toenail. It is known to be caused by poor nail care such as cutting too short or trimming improperly. But some academic studies showed some people are more prone to get ingrown toenail due to genetic factors. A study [...]
Harvard Health: Home Remedy for the Minor Ingrown Toenails
An ingrown toenail is a condition in which an edge of the nail digs into the surrounding soft tissue. It causes pain, redness, and infection. Harvard medical school published an article ( that suggests what to do with ingrown toenails when the symptoms are minor (you see the redness and feel pain on your toenail, [...]
Ingrown Toenail Prevention: Change How You Walk
Toenails commonly have a natural tendency to curl. Therefore it is important to equally give your toe pressure from underneath the toe as you walk. For instance, if you keep pressuring on a side of the big toe when you walk, the other side of the toenail is prone to curl inward. Also, when people [...]
Ingrown Toenail Prevention: Tips for Choosing Your Shoes
Since we wear shoes every single day, choosing the right shoes is very important to prevent ingrown toenails. Here are some tips for shoe shopping. Shop shoe at the end of the day Your feet swell during the day and they become the largest in their size later in the day. To minimize pressure from [...]
How do Ingrown Toenails look like?
An ingrown toenail is a condition in which a side of the toenail (usually the biggest toenail) digs into the soft tissue surrounding the nail. When you have the condition, you will notice several changes in the appearance of your affected toenail. Here is a comparison on appearance between a healthy toenail and an ingrown [...]
Dangers of Ignoring your Ingrown Toenail
Ingrown toenails can be treated at home, but they can also cause complications which might require medical attention. When Ingrown toenails left untreated, it may cause an infection in the bone in your toe. The infection may cause: Foot ulcers Open sores Lowering blood flow to the infected area. The loss of blood flow may [...]